Since I started my career, one or other way I had to plot data in a form where anyone can
easily relate and get insights and Trends.

The more you get involved the more you come across situations which demands keen
attention and insights out of your curated data.

It is possible to forecast using the set of historical data YOU posses to drive values.

There are multiple analytical methods / tools already available which can help support your
analytical needs, however the vision you possess is a key which will solve million problems in
a go.

To start with let me demonstrate one scenario where we were looking to understand our cloud
computing cost and put close observation to understand where we can optimize. We initially
started with the major cost contributors to cut short the cost and then continue working on
other small small pieces, the results were amazing. We saved $$$$ monthly which is great.

The first and foremost thing to work on would be to prepare a baseline value and how to
achieve goals which are reasonable enough and adding business value.

1) Extraction of Data
2) Data cleanup and verification
3) Formulation Trends
4) Identify key contributors
5) Focus on key contributors
6) Take real actions
7) Evolve and optimize

I have also came across one of the best article by Gartner for analytical trends

We @ DNG INC always strive to work for futuristic analytical techniques to solve today’s
problem and Derive Next Gen
( data solutions.
Categories: Uncategorized


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